Post Graduate Program in
Cyber Security (PGPCS)

Our Flagship 6 months full-time residential program transforms individuals into cyber security professionals and prepares them for 4 Major International Certifications.

The Post-Graduate Program in Cyber Security (PGPCS) is the flagship programme of Academy of Cyber Sciences.

The course is uniquely designed to offer more training hours in 6 months than most masters and bachelors program offer over 3 yrs. The course through its high-pressure schedule prepares candidates to build the right value systems which are a must for succeeding in technology field. The course challenges traditional methodologies of education and provides a magical shift to one's career by preparing them to meet the changing market needs.

There is no one true path to working in cyber security. People come at it from all angles – math, computer science, engineering, technology, even history or philosophy. Yet all of them share a deep and abiding interest in how technology works. Security gurus say this is critical. You need to know exactly what you’re protecting and the reason things are insecure. The course is targeted towards graduates from any discipline and IT professionals who wish to pursue their career in the fastest growing professional field of Cyber Security.

The course aims to groom the students and enable them to work on current technology scenarios as well as prepare them to keep pace with the changing face of technology.

The entire course syllabus, course ware, teaching methodology and the course delivery have been derived from the rich research and development done by teams and partners of Academy of Cyber Sciences from across the world.

The depth and width of the course is unique in the industry covering a wide spectrum of requirements of the cyber security industry.

PGPCS is a six-month full-time course, consisting of thirteen compulsory modules and a Project, designed to help all those desiring to reach the cutting edge of Information Technology and to contribute in the high potential field of Cyber Security.

PGPCS is best suited for:

  • Graduate students of all disciplines
  • Professionals desiring to migrate to IT
  • Students appearing for the final year of graduation
  • The candidates should have 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 years of formal education leading to a degree of a recognized university.
  • The candidates who have completed 10+3 years of formal education leading to a Program in Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized body and followed by at least 2 years of additional qualification and/or relevant experience. Sound knowledge of Computer Fundamentals is essential.
  • The applicant must also be conversant with Object Oriented Programming concepts and must be proficient with C++ Programming and Data Structures using C++.
  • For selection, the candidate must clear the Common Entrance Test, with 60% marks in Technical Section & 70% marks in aptitude section. The detailed syllabus of CET (Common Entrance Test) is given in the PGPCS course brochure.

The total fee of the course is INR 1,44,000/- + Taxes.

The course fee has to be paid in two instalments as per the schedule.

  • First instalment is INR 25,000/- + Taxes to be paid by shortlisted candidates at the time of Practical Test after clearing the CET.
  • Second instalment is INR 1,19,000/- + Taxes before course start.


ACS provides Financial Aid to 20 students per batch for the flagship course of PGPCS.
On clearing Common Entrance Test (CET) and receiving offer of admission you may decide to apply for financial aid at

Your application mail should have following –

  • An essay on “What Makes Cyber Security a Rewarding Career for You”. The essay should not exceed 400 words or it will be automatically rejected.
  • Please mention your CET application form number.
Operating Systems
  • Linux Commands, Vi editor, Shell Scripting
  • Memory management, File Systems, Virtualization
  • Linux System Programming, Process
  • Signals, Semaphores & Mutex, Inter – Process Communication, POSIX Threads
Software Engineering
  • Agile, Scrum,
  • Project Management Techniques
Advanced Networking Concepts
  • OSI & TCP/IP Models, Devices & Protocols in relation to OSI model
  • IP Addressing & Sub netting, Routing & Switching (Routing Metrics, IGP vs EGP
  • Dynamic Routing Tables, Spanning Tree Protocol
  • Broadcast vs Collision Domain, VLAN), TCP/IP Suite (UDP, TCP, Internet Control Message Protocol, Address Resolution Protocol
  • Port Communication Endpoints, FTP, TFTP, SFTP, SMTP, POP3 & IMAP, HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSH, RDP, SNMP, NTP, TLS, DNS, DHCP, SIP & RTP)
  • DNS, Managing Traffic (NAT, PAT, VLAN & VTP Config, POE, Traffic Filtering, Diagnostics, QoS, Port Mirroring)
  • DHCP
  • Wireless (WAP Placement & Antenna Types, Interface & Frequencies, Wireless Standards, Channel Bonding & MIMO, Compatibility & SSID, Interface, Signal Strength & Bounce, Configuration, Incompatibilities, Incorrect Channel & Latency, Encryption Type, SSID Mismatch & Incorrect Switch Placement)
  • Misconfigurations (Switching Loop, Bad Cables, Port Configuration & VLAN Assignment, Mismatched MTU, Bad Modules, Power Failure & Missing Routes, Working Subnet Mask, Wrong Gateway, Duplicate IP Address & Wrong DNS)
  • Topologies, Hardware Mediums (), Network Appliances - 1 to 5 (Additional Network Functionality, Load Balancer, Proxy Server, Content Filter, VPN Concentrator, Cable Tester, Toner Probe, Crimper and Punch down tool
  • Product Analyzer and loop back plug, tdr, otdr, multimeter, protocol analyzer, throughput tester and connectivity software, command line commands - ping/ tracer/ ipconfic /
  • NS lookup, Dig Arp, nbt stat and netstat, SNMP, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3, Syslog and Event Viewer, Latency Sensitivity and High Bandwidth Apps, Load Balancing, Caching Engines, Fault Tolerance & CARP)
Basic Web Technologies
  • http protocols, HTML, HTML 5, CSS
Java & Java Scripting
  • JAVA TECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED JAVA (Data Types, Operators and Language, Constructs, Inner Classes and Inheritance, Interface and Package, Exceptions, Threads, Javal .lang / util / awt / io / virtual machine, persistent, profile, TCP/IP, Servlets, JSP, Beans, Annotations, JSF, Struts Framework, Hibernate, HQL, Spring Framework, JSON / XML )
  • JAVA SCRIPTING (Variable, statements, Operators, Comments, constructs, Functions, expressions, console, Scope, Events, Strings, String Methods, Numbers, Number Methods, Dates, Date Formats, Date Methods, Arrays, Array Methods, Booleans, Comparisons, Control Structures, Conditions, Switch, Loop For, Loop While, Break, Functions, Function Definitions, Function Parameters, Function Invocation, Function Closures, Objects, Object Definitions, Object Properties, Object Methods, Object Prototypes, Document Object Model, Document and Events (DOM Manipulation)
  • PHP (Arrays, Functions, Forms, Session and State Management, Functions, Forms, Handling date and times, working with files, sessions management, database operations)
  • XML (XML Validation, Tree Structure, DOM, DTD, Schema, Style language, XSLT, Parsing, WSDL, RSS Feed, Dom & SAX)
Microsoft .Net Framework
  • MICROSOFT .NET TECHNOLOGIES (.NET 4.5 Frameworks, Language Interoperability, class library, assemblies, C#, Operators, Arrays, Preprocessors, Delegates, events, boxing, unboxing, regular expression, collections, exception handling, win forms, 4.5 and 4.5, querying with linq, MVC framework, Web Services, Deployment)
Database Technologies RDBMS, SQL / PLSQL
  • Client/Server Computing
  • RDBMS Technologies, Data Models, Normalization, ER Diagrams
  • SQL Plus, Tables, indexes and views, Clusters, Sequences and Snapshots, PL/SQL, Cursors
  • Stored Procedure, Triggers, Packages, MongoDB
Mobile Computing
  • Android Platform& Building Blocks
  • JNI Components and Interface
  • Android GUI Development and Event Handling
  • Android Permission Model and Application Sandboxing
  • Cross-Compiling System Programs for Android Platforms, NDK
Offensive Security
  • Linux & Penetration Testing OS, Phases of Penetration Testing
  • Information Gathering & Footprinting
  • Hacking with Google
  • Firewalls, IDS-IPS & Honeypots, System Hacking
  • Enumeration, Malwares
  • Web App VAPT, Email Security, Passwords, Session Hijacking, Network Attacks
  • Wireless Hacking and Security, Buffer overflow Attacks, Vulnerability Scanning
  • Programming for Pentesters, Python for Security Professionals
  • Metasploit Framework, Social Engineering, Exploit Development
  • Mobile Hacking & Security
  • Penetration Testing Ethics & Reporting
Defensive Security
  • Cryptography
  • Application & Data Security
  • Security Controls
  • Firewalls, IDS-IPS & Honeypots
Incident Response & Forensics
  • Introduction to Incident Response, Incident Response Policy, Incident Handling
  • First Responder, Legal Aspects of Incident Response, Introduction to Forensics, Searching Evidence, Investigative Process, Computer Forensics Labs, Hard Disks and File Systems
  • Windows Forensics, Data Acquisition, Recovering and Deleting Files, Access Data
  • Steganography,
  • Application Password Checkers, Log Capturing and Event Correlation
  • Forensics of Incident Response, Insider Threat
  • Incident Recovery
  • EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) Exam Essentials
Cyber Security Management
  • Corporate Cybersecurity Management
  • Chief Information Security Officer

Please Note: The cyber security landscape is every changing so the course content mentioned above could change by the time you join the course. This is the indicative sample of current ongoing batches.

After completion, of course students will be able to acquire the following skills:

  • Appear for CISO and CISSP exams at international levels.
  • They can take up position in organizations as CISO in top corporates ranging from Fortune 100 companies to mid-sized corporates Or start their own enterprise to offer these services in high potential field of Cyber Security, Cyber Crime Investigation, Cyber Forensic and Ethical Hacking.
  • Would be able to understand use of technologies to access and interpret information effectively. They would be able to understand the threats and create their own methodologies to secure and respond to threats.
  • Build an aptitude for field of computers and related areas.
  • Use communication technologies competently.
  • Understand the multi-tier architecture of web-based enterprise applications using - Enterprise JavaBeans, Integrate Servlets, JSPs with EJB and Databases in J2EE application, .Net architecture, and able to maintain the applications.

Preparatory course for PGPCS

For those who do not come from programming background can still pursue a career in Cyber Security with a 3 months part time preparatory course for cracking CET. This program will train you on C / C++ and other analytical skills which are essential for PGPCS.

How to prepare for the Common Entrance Test for PGPCS

The CET will test the candidate's knowledge of Object Oriented Concepts, independent of any specific language, C++ Programming capabilities, Data Structures using C++ as well as candidate’s aptitude. The candidate must possess good knowledge of C++ Programming Language in terms of its syntax and especially its object oriented features and their appropriate use.

The candidate should carefully study the books prescribed herein. However, programming ability cannot be developed by merely reading language constructs from the book. It is absolutely necessary to actually write one's own codes in C++ Language and implement at least 100 good C++ Programs on a computer. These programs should be of increasing complexity and should exploit appropriate constructs and Object Oriented features of C++ and use Data Structures using C++ extensively. Candidates should solve all the problems given in the prescribed books. It is also necessary to study good codes written by experts as given in the CD accompanying the book.

The applicant should also practice the use of good features of the language, modularize his/her codes, put suitable comments to improve readability of the codes, make extensive use of library routines and format the programs to express the logical flow clearly. The candidate should note that the rigorous programming practice prescribed above is not only required to succeed in the Technical Theory section of the Common Entrance Test to be followed by Technical Practical section, but also required to learn various modules of PGPCS with rapid pace. The rigorous programming practice is in fact the most important prerequisite to undertake the PGPCS Course and successful career in the IT industry thereafter. The motivation of this text is, therefore, to ensure your development in the right direction.

Object Oriented Concepts
(25% Weightage)

Understanding of the object-oriented concepts, such as Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes and Re-usability, etc.

C++ Programming
(50% Weightage)

Datatypes, Variables & Constants, Operators, Associativity and Precedence of Operators, Input-Output, Control Constructs, Using Functions from Libraries, Pre-processor Directives, Programmer Defined Functions, Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Recursion, Parameter passing by reference and by value, Classes and Objects, Member Variables and Member Functions, Constructors and Destructors, Function and Operator Overloading, Inheritance, In-line Member Functions, Private, Public and Protected.

Data Structures using C++
(25% Weightage)

Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists (Singly, Doubly, Circular), Trees, Threaded trees, Graphs, Sorting (Bubble, Quick, Heap, Merge)

1. C++ Programming Bible
Al Stevens and Clayton Walnum
(IDG Books India)

2. The Object-Oriented Thought Process
Matt Weisfeld

3. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++
Sartaj Sahni
(Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.)


Enrolling in ACS is simple, quick and flexible. Following enrollment form is to officially connect you with our experts who treat you and guide you as a young professional rather than student.

Academy of Cyber Sciences (ACS) application form for the Common Entrance Test (CET), the course brochure and study material can be procured by paying a registration fee of INR 1500/- (Rupees Fifteen Hundred only). The registration and payment can be done online. The application form duly filled-in is to be submitted online at ACS Portal.

The Selection Process leading to confirmed admission shall unfold in two stages as described below:

Stage I: Common Entrance Test (CET)
The CET is online test consists of objective type multiple choice questions with three sections, Technical Theory, Technical Practical & Aptitude. On the basis of performance in the CET, the candidates shall be shortlisted in the order of merit. The shortlisted candidate shall be required to undertake Stage II of the selection process, subject to successful clearance of which, the candidate shall be offered admission. (For more information on conduct of CET, please see the instruction sheet given along with the application form.)

Stage II: Interview
The interview stage consists technical interview based on the syllabus of CET and a personal interview of the candidate. During the interview, the candidate can seek more information about the center and the facilities available there for undergoing PGPCS. After the candidate successfully completes both the stages of the selection process, he/she shall be given a letter of Offer of Admission to PGPCS.

The Technical Theory section will cover theoretical concepts of Object Oriented Concepts, C++ Programming and Data Structures using C++.

This shall be immediately followed by a Technical Practical section which shall test the practical knowledge of the candidate on the same topics.

The Aptitude Test shall be modelled on the pattern of GRE/GMAT. It will consist of question in English, Mathematical ability, Reasoning and Problem Solving ability.

There is no separate fee for CET it is included in admission form fee - INR 1500/- that can be purchased
onlline here.
Course Marketing Start Thursday, July 13, 2017
Forms Sale Start Thursday, July 13, 2017
Forms Sale End  
Last Date of Submission of Forms Friday, August 04, 2017
Dates of CET Saturday, August 12, 2017
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Result of CET with Waitlist Friday, August 18, 2017
PI Date - 1st Installment Payment Friday, August 25, 2017
Final Admissions List Monday, August 28, 2017
Wait List Confirmation  
Last Date of Payment of Entire Fees  
Course Start Date  

About Us

Academy of Cyber Sciences (ACS) is part of 20+ years old Education & Training division of Gateway Group of Companies.

ACS focuses on providing top of the line skill based, marked-to-market training to aspiring candidates who wish to build their career in the ever changing, exciting and thrilling field of Information Technology.

ACS addresses the rising demand for Global Cyber Security professionals. ACS fills this gap of skilled resources by means of highly specialized, tailored and focused training programs taught by industry leaders who train future cyber security experts on various critical aspects of the cyber security.

Our programs are designed to rigorously create, innovate and test your knowledge on the core skills required to become a successful cyber security expert. Completion of our programs you will earn industry acknowledged ACS certification that will act as a valuable asset in your professional journey and propel your career to great heights.


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